Anne Temple's Blog

My Faith & Healing

               When I was born with bilateral congenital hip dysplasia a birth the defect; going in and out of hospitals. I learned that faith in God would help heal.  I had good doctors, nurses and my family was always there for me. As a child, I had no reason to believe I was sick […]

Remembrance –

We’re come into this world with a new physical body.  The first day we’re born to around 5 to 8 years old a lot of people forget about this other side. My family lineage from my mother, grandmother, and great grandmother had different psychic gifts. I feel I had a soul contract from the other […]

The Strength Within All of Us

 “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched, but are felt by the heart.” Helen Keller Every plant begins when a flower bursts into the world with vibrant colors and sweet scents. Next, this beautiful blossom produces its fruit. The cycle of life has much potential and will nurture the entire […]